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Application form

In compliance with the applicable German employment regulations, we only recruit people who, during the application process, are not in a country with an acute shortage of healthcare professionals as defined by the WHO Code of Practice. You can find the complete list hier
Please enter the number of your previous employment relationships here. If there are more than three, please state your current employment relationship (if any) and the two most important ones. 
Please upload here all certificates from your academic or professional training or education that prove your suitability and admission as a nurse in your country. If available, please upload the documents in German or English. In some countries, the documents must have an official apostille. 
Please upload the transcript of records for your training here. This should describe what you specifically learned during your training and how much time (in hours) you spent in each subject area. This information is essential for your training to be recognized. In some countries, the documents must have an official apostille.
Please upload here all professional references that prove and / or evaluate your professional experience as stated above. 
Please upload all your available language certificates here. In some countries, the documents must have an official apostille.
 Job description
Nursing specialist (Non-EU countries)
Fulda, Germany
Recruiting Pflegefachkräfte
Type of relationship

Time to Answer

7 open days


1 Get-To-Know Call
1 Job Interview

Days to get an Offer

No later than 2 Weeks after Job Interview